Sunday, 31 May 2015

Bermondsey BSAC committee meeting - 30th April 2015

Venue: Ken's
In attendance: Lee, Ken, Teresa, Colin, Chris, Pat, Ross
Apologies: Clive and Victor
Chair: Pat

Matters arising

  • Lee has purchased a promotional stand for the club.
  • Promotional leaflets will be printed by Pat, having access to colour printer at work [Pat has subsequently given Colin a few copies].
  • Pat suggested Seaford as an alternative for a lake dive - this is a sheltered shore dive. This has been set for Sunday 21st June.
  • Teresa suggested a pizza on a bus at Crust Conductor pop-up, Peckham as a club activity. This has been set for Friday 12th June.


  • Lee suggested contacting local youth groups – perhaps a group of 4, from 12-16 years. This would be led as a youth club managed event, with an appropriate adult topside with club instructors in the water. Precautions (no photographs, no lone children with instructors) to protect the club were also suggested.
  • Action: Lee will approach some youth clubs and then we can put an application in for a grant from BSAC.

Club Mark

  • The club is not going to push for Club Mark accreditation at this stage.

New members / training

  • A drive for new members won't be undertaken until later in the year due to current Ocean Diver training commitments with 5 (now 7) recent new members.
  • 3 Ocean Divers passed their theory exam recently: Ben, Steve and Vinay.

Club website

  • Daniel has been looking at this and happy to undertake new design but would like some content suggestions to help. It was agreed to transfer current content over as a starters.
  • Action: In the meantime recent trip reports will be added.
  • Facebook page is now public.

2015 dives

  • Brighton (09/05/2015) is now full.
  • Lee to check if numbers for next Shoreham dive were sufficient.
  • Agreed to advertise spare Pembrokeshire spaces. Kim to be asked to contact DAGSAC.
  • Ann and Willemein to be asked if they’d like to sign up to suitable dives.

Club’s 60th anniversary / 2016 dive list

  • It was suggested that honorary member Dave be asked to take on an organising role.
  • The previously-discussed idea of 60 dive sites next year was raised again. Suggestions include Lundy (Victor), Divefest Cornwall (Pat – early May), Scapa (Ken advised this trip is not yet full), Guernsey and Red Sea (Pat – January/February). Costings to be brought to next meeting.


  • BSAC safeguarding policy is called “Buddyguard” and it refers to any person under 18 years of age. BSAC has published a lengthy document setting out policy. Step 1 - Adopt code of conduct. Step 2 - Adopt policy. Club will develop an action plan for implementation.

  • BSAC contacted Lee regarding drysuit training. A drysuit competency check is required. Drysuit hire requires that qualification be obtained first, causing issue for suits for training.
  • Ken advised he's approached BSAC for clarification on the club’s insurance and how this relates to 'randoms' on our dives.
  • Teresa suggested a rescue training refresh for members as well as First Aid. This could be combined with a lake or dive or as an SDC.
  • Ross advised the club is still down on three DVs. James could provide some regs for £50 each but they have only a gauge and no octopus. Action: Victor to send out email asking members if they have any club kit.
  • Next meeting agreed for 16th June.