A record of the activities of the greatest dive club in the history of Bermondsey.
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
Oxygen Administration course - 17th November 2013
Bermondsey BSAC 42 Annual General Meeting - 6th November 2013
In attendance: 22 members
Apologies: 6 members
Chair: Clive
Chair’s opening statement and welcome
- Clive noted the meeting was quorate and
that enough members were present for the meeting's decisions to have a
well-supported mandate.
- Members were reminded that all of the
committee had decided to stand down following the resignation of the
Diving Officer, and that the committee had decided to bring forward this
AGM to November.
- The next AGM will be held in early 2015, and the new committee will be in position until then.
Minutes of the previous AGM and matters arising
- These minutes are available to view on the
club blog.
- Following discussions at the previous AGM, the club adopted a privacy (data protection) policy, set up email groups for committee and club use (which are expected to be made active soon), and made changes to the way training is organised.
Summary-of-2013 report
- Lee explained that this report was being
presented in lieu of the annual Diving Officer's report.
- The year's highlights were revisited. It
has been a good year for diving.
- No accidents have occurred this season.
- A number of safety issues were raised. Of
particular concern this year was the number of divers ending dives low on
air, ignoring the rule of thirds and setting a bad example to newer
- It was also noted that proper gas and
decompression planning wasn’t always being carried out, and that
decompression dives should be done with alternate air sources.
- Mariette added that solo dives have
happened (and have been tolerated) on club trips, when we are neither qualified
nor trained for this. Kim noted that BSAC does not allow solo diving, and
will soon be issuing guidance on trio diving.
- 2 incidents of suspected bends occurred
this year, and these were resolved successfully. These incidents have not
been reported to BSAC, however. It was noted that anyone in the club can
report an incident to BSAC, and should be encouraged to do so. It was
suggested that at the first meeting of the new committee, the idea of
making the Dive Manager responsible for reporting incidents should be
- Members were reminded of terms and
conditions for club dives.
- The emerging 2014 dive list was discussed. This will be circulated to the club very soon. Names are now being taken for dives.
Training Officer’s report
- It was noted that 1 Snorkel Diver, 4 Ocean
Divers, 2 Sports Divers and 1 Dive Leader qualified with the club this
year, and many more are close to qualifying.
- Lee was pleased that so many willing
instructors stepped forward to deliver training.
- Lee suggested some training objectives for the following year, including maintaining the training record, continued club support for the Instructor Foundation Course, and running Skill Development Courses such as buoyancy and trim, drysuit and twinset training, as well as oxygen administration.
Treasurer’s report
- Lars presented a statement of this year’s
cash flow, along with comparison figures for recent years.
- It was noted that pool/club fees will
increase from January, and standing orders need to be amended. Fees are
now £16.50/month for individuals, and £25/month for joint membership.
- Dive report forms were introduced at the
beginning of the year, however their use has been patchy. These forms
include cost information for dive trips.
- Late payment of money for dive trips has been a problem this year. Clive reminded members to remember that if their kit is wet, they probably owe the club money. As of the evening of the AGM, however, no members were in arrears.
Equipment Officer’s report
- It was noted that the current arsenal of
club kit has proved sufficient to cover all training and trip requirements
this year, therefore it was not recommended that any additional equipment
be bought.
- Several items, however, will need minor repairs or servicing this winter.
- Clive noted that the committee had decided
to create a co-opted position of Publicity and Marketing Officer. The
willing volunteer will be recruited by the new committee.
- Ken proposed a motion requiring members to allow the release of their phone numbers and email addresses to other members as a condition of membership. Ken’s concern was that members will miss out on information about dives if other members are unable to contact them. It was noted that 30 members have now signed the club’s privacy policy, allowing the club to release their phone numbers to other club members. The member-to-all-members email address has been set up but is not yet in use. The meeting agreed not to change existing arrangements for the collection and release of personal information, but that the new Secretary will endeavour to collect signed privacy policies from the remaining members who haven't yet returned one, and circulate a complete list of phone numbers to members.
- Victor reported that 6 members had cast
their votes in advance, and had sent apologies.
- Pat’s nomination was seconded.
- A secret ballot was held.
- Pat was elected Chair, Brett was elected Diving Officer, Ken was elected Treasurer, Ross was elected Equipment Officer, and Victor was elected Secretary.
Other business
- Medical declaration forms will be
collected in the new year.
- Jill and Tom are collecting £5 deposits
for the club xmas do (11th Dec, Il Giardino, Peckham).
- A brief discussion about dissolving the
club was held, although nobody had any intention of moving a motion to
dissolve the club.
- Dave announced that on Friday 22nd Nov he
would be helping to set up a new flat in Southwark for a person with
disabilities, and would appreciate help from members.
- Steve has the club phone, and will return
it to Victor.
- The club would not be holding pool sessions
on 11th Dec, 25th Dec or 1st Jan.
- Clive closed the meeting with suggestions
that the new committee discuss, prioritise and address the lack of a
Training Officer, why so many nominees (to committee positions) declined
their nominations this year, and the 2014 dive list.
- The meeting closed at 9.10pm.
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