Oxygen Administration course - 17th November 2013
BSAC's Oxygen Administration course was delivered by the
London region on 17th November in London No. 1's basement room at the Seymour
Leisure Centre. The instructors were Gary, Giulia and Lee. 11 divers from
various branches (London No. 1, Medway, Ariel SAC, Holborn and 3 of us - Jill, Frank and Victor - from
Bermondsey) attended. Most of us were qualified to Sports Diver level, and were
doing this one-day Skill Development Course as part of our Dive Leader
training, however others were doing or repeating the course simply to gain or
refresh skills. After gathering at 8.30am-ish, lectures DT2, DT3, DT4, DT5, DT6
and DT7 were delivered, complete with practicals involving a legion of Resusci
Annies. The day ended with a 25-question multiple choice assessment (we all
passed) followed by closing remarks and feedback. We were finished just before
3pm. Thanks to the instructors, London region, and London No. 1 branch.
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