Saturday, 4 February 2017

Bermondsey BSAC committee meeting - Wednesday 11th January 2017

Bermondsey BSAC committee meeting, 11/01/2017
Venue: Ross’s
In attendance: Ross, Daniel, Victor, Pat, Clive, Ken, Lee
Apologies: Sally, Teresa                                                                       

Minutes of 12/10/2016 and matters arising

- BSAC no longer process DBS clearances for Assistant Instructors. Teresa has contacted BSAC about this.

Annual General Meeting

- Agenda has been circulated. Similar running order to last year’s AGM.
Lee to discuss 2016 and 2017 dives, Dulwich branch incident (and its implications for us), BSAC’s information re: causes of incidents and correlations with age, health etc, plans for risk assessments on club dives, and the importance and meaning of the reworded self-declaration medical forms.
- There will be no Thursday evening pool session on 09/02/2017.
- Daniel to provide an up-to-date membership list/numbers (to ascertain quoracy) and remind members that annual BSAC membership fees have increased.
- Agreed to include Sport England grant and free try-dives project on the AGM agenda. This has been a great success, it has helped attract many new members, and Sally’s work on this should be noted.
- Agreed to pay for a round of drinks (for everyone except current committee members) after AGM from club funds.
No proposals for constitutional motions have been submitted.
- Nominations are open for committee positions until 8pm on 01/02/2017. Non-constitutional motions can be submitted up to that same date and time.

St George’s and Seven Islands

- No update on when Seven Islands will reopen (other than “Spring”).
- Use of St George’s continues. If Seven Islands does not reopen within the next few months, Thursday evening pool sessions might be discontinued, and we may concentrate on Tuesday evenings, although this wouldn’t be ideal for moving kit.
- Ken needs to pay Docklands Dive School £1k for Tuesday and Thursday evening sessions to the end of March.
- No update on plans for redevelopment of Seven Islands. Southwark council / British Land are still reconsidering their preferred location for the new leisure centre.


- Ken reported that the club is in a good position financially.
- Some members are yet to pay for 2016 dives. Ken is chasing.
- Membership numbers may have dropped a little at the end of 2016, as people moved away or came to the end of their OD training. Numbers are probably below 50 again.

2017 dives

- Lee to add monthly lake dives to dive list.
- 2nd Shetland trip to be deleted from dive list.
- Sardinia in October looks viable. The BSAC centre there will be open.
- A trip in February (somewhere warm) is being looked into
- Possible additional Plymouth, Falmouth, Mylor or Newquay trip discussed. Clive to investigate boat/skipper availability [post-meeting note: a 4-day trip from The Lizard has been booked].

Sport England grant

- The club still has £510 unspent, although some of this has been earmarked for kit not yet provided by Amphibian.
- The club must account for all spending of the SE grant, and then make a proposal for (or return) any leftovers. Committee discussed the purchase of an analyser, or running a Sunday afternoon try-dive session for kids.

Any Other Business

- Daniel has received emails re: web hosting renewal. Ken to deal with this.
- The need to encourage newly-qualified divers to go diving was discussed again. Agreed to run refresher sessions at the pool.
- Pat to look into insurance for club kit.
- Ross to obtain more key fobs for kit store.
- Ross to draw up a risk assessment (for pool sessions) with reference to BSAC’s template.
- Pat suggested having an Ocean Diver / Sports Diver representative as a committee position. This person can be elected by OD / SD members (be they qualified or in training) at the AGM. Nominations would need to be collected in advance. Victor to circulate an email about this.

1 comment:

  1. I have a risk assessment for St George's pool (based on the BSAC template) which you are welcome to use/amend as needed. Maggie DDS
